AIC – Smart Dolly Pack 200 L

Product No: SDP600

Technical Data:

Ext. Dimensions(open): 812 x 612 x 736 mm
Ext. Dimensions (folded): 812 x 612 x 280 mm
Int. Dimensions(open): 742 x 542 x 500 mm
Sleeve Height: 560 mm
Door: 600 x 200 mm
Static Weight: 24.1 kg
Load Volume: 200 litres


Smart Dolly Pack Description

  • The Smart Dolly Pack is an 800×600 mm dolly that has plenty of possibilities:
    • Can be used as a simple dolly
    • Can be used as a dolly + boxes (with or without the lid on top of the box layers)
    • Can be used as a sleeve pack solution (with a sleeve and a lid) on wheels
    • You can use a solution with pallet+sleeve+lid on top of this to add boxes
  • The Smart Dolly Pack is a robust box and provides proper and clean stacking along with space reduction in storage and in transport. It is ideal for last-mile delivery and can be used internally in a factory as well as for logistics flow.

Other Collapsible Pallet Boxes Available


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